My First Week Living With a Cat

P. Carhaix
3 min readJun 3, 2020

First of all, let me just give you the long and short of it, cats are emotionless demons and I won’t hear anything to the contrary.

This post is mainly the list of reasons why I hate this cat.

1. It stares at me all the time with zero emotion in its eyes.

Every time I leave my bedroom or the bathroom or wherever I am, it just sits down in the creepy position it sits and stares at me. Not a death stare. Not an excited stare. There is ZERO emotion. It’s like a stuffed cat. Its black evil eyes just follow me. It's disgusting. I hate this cat.

2. It’s hair gets absolutely everywhere.

It’s EVERYWHERE! It's on the cooker and it sticks to the rings of the stovetop! My clothes are destroyed by the god damn hair. I cook food, hair magically appears in my food! It somehow gets on my hat and in my mouth. It just floats around in the air so it lands everywhere!

3. It uses its owner as a servant

It eerily walks in went it wants food or attention, as it revoltingly rubs its body off every object it passes. This act, I have recently found out, is done to spread its nauseous scent. It has even tried to rub itself on my leg! I am not your property cat, f off! It jumps upon its owner's lap and put its butt in her face while the owner dutifully rubs the cat. The cat sits there with a smug face as I look at it with seething rage and hatred.

4. It won't be trained

The god damn cat does whatever it likes! I can't keep the door open for two minutes and the little rat is skulking around my possessions. It won't respond to its name or any call whatsoever! After researching this, studies show that the cat knows you are calling it but it just doesn't care what you want.

5. It has no respect.

It doesn't understand its place in the house. It thinks its queen bee, not helped with the fact that its owner calls it queen of the house and often refers to it as a ‘lady’ with a descriptor attached. It's pathetic. The owner is in an abusive relationship with a selfish, abusive (physically & emotionally), ignorant, disrespectful, manipulative (look up why they meow), demon. Nevermind the fact that these mf’ers can live up to twenty years so the owner is bound to it for two decades!

6. It scratches and bites

Not me though, the little bastard knows what will happen if it bites or scratches me. However, when its owner, an extremely emotional sensitive womanchild who projects emotions on to the cat and anthropomorphizes it constantly, picks it up without the cat initializing the pickup, the cat scrapes and severely bites the owner. The owner doesn't ever get angry! She just accepts this cat physically abusing her and then obediently fills its water! It’s absolutely pathetic!

In conclusion, cats are demons and if I could I would crush its small little skull in my fist with a bloodlust pleasure I haven't experienced before. F that cat.



P. Carhaix

Rejecting the pressure of tribalism to approach each topic with honesty and integrity.